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Blonde Escort: Hygiene and why its important!

Blonde Escort

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Hygiene and why it's Important!

Cleanliness: Our blonde escort takes pride in being very clean girls. They take their personal hygiene very seriously. Men who take their health very seriously should never think of being intimate with a companion who doesn't care about her intimate hygiene. This is also true for our companions. If they meet a customer who refuses to attend the appointment cleanly, they usually cancel the date. To avoid disappointment, we advise all of our valued customers to follow some basic hygiene rules before contacting our super sexy blonde escort.

Personal hygiene is a very important issue. Especially when it's intimate.

The most important thing to do is shower. It takes 5 minutes for all bacteria, sweat and general dirt to be washed from our bodies. However, not many people realize that they should shower daily. By recently attending your shower appointment, you will allow natural pheromones the opportunity to turn on your facilities. So, you've taken a shower and washed your armpits and you're all nice and clean. Surely that's enough, isn't it? Error! While showering, did you pay special attention to your penis? Unfortunately, for uncircumcised men, excess bacteria can grow under the foreskin. Many men are not aware that they have to wash under their skin to avoid the accumulation of smegma. You know, those gross white things that can pop out if you don't even pay attention to them! I know the sound sucks. But you'd be amazed at how many men don't even think about it! If you care about your health ... Peel that foreskin and clean it! Don't forget to wear clean clothes after showering. You really don't want to put sweaty boxers on the clean crown jewels, do you?

Well, your body is now clean, and all the nooks and crannies have been given special attention to ensure that no unpleasant odors await you when you take off your clothes. All good for your appointment, or maybe not! Have your breath slept yet? Does it have a refreshing mint scent? Go on ... give them a treat and brush them off. It doesn't matter that you just haven't got up or it's not time for bed yet. Push the boat out and give your whole mouth some mouthwash, too! We can assure you that your companion will appreciate the extra effort.

Well, now you're clean and ready to go ... it's time for the fun part. But, wait ... have you considered trimming those nails? Imagine how painful it would be if you scratched your escort while flaunting your exact numbers.

Now, some helpful tips for post-sexual intercourse.

Wash again! The best way is to shower again. Unless you want to smell sweat and sex for the rest of the day. If showering again is not on your schedule, at least wash your little one to avoid the risk of contracting a UTI. Did you know that bacteria can enter the urethra from any form of sex, be it oral, vaginally or A levels, even with condom use, using a quick hand without a condom will also transfer unwanted n

asties to your penis. The easy way to get rid of those little pies is to pee! That's right, all you have to do is shower and empty your bladder to reduce the risk of contracting a water infection!

If you're into lazy persuasion and it seems like all of your aftercare sex seems like a lot of trouble, the least you can do is wash your hands.

remember! Treat your escort as if you are going on a regular date. Imagine the steps you would like your partner to take to maintain a healthy personal hygiene regime. Then apply it on yourself. If you heed this advice, we guarantee an amazing experience with Blonde Escort.

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